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SignalFire Field Monitor
Displays Network Data
Hudson, Ma. SignalFire’s Field Monitor is a local display device for remote sensor data. It is designed to work with the SignalFire’s Wireless Mesh Network.The battery powered system can be configured to display data from sensors and actuators in the field. Common uses include:
- Tank Levels – Set up outside of the berm, the system can readily display multiple tank levels. The system can also covert levels into volumes using tank constants making monitoring during off loading practical.
- Pressure Readings – Tubing and casing pressures and alerts as well as readings from distant SWD’s and LACT units.
- Flow Rates – Flow rates in pulses or corrected with “K” factors can be readily displayed.
- Temperature – Monitor the state of heater treaters or flares.
- Pump Rates – Display instantaneous rates and total strokes.
- Alerts – Alert thresholds can be readily set and alerts displayed on the Field Monitor.
The SignalFire Field Monitor is battery powered which permits easy installation anywhere in the SignalFire Wireless Mesh Network. With a powerful 300 mW radio and high gain antenna long range communications are the norm. Battery life is measured in years as the unit only displays data when it is activated by a pressing a button.