Oil & Gas

SignalFire Telemetry products connect you with crucial product and hardware data at any of your oil and gas operation sites—whether it’s a pump, pipeline, or storage tank.

Water & Wastewater

SignalFire Telemetry devices install anywhere water asset monitoring is needed, whether it’s for collection purposes, treatment, or delivery.

General Industrial

SignalFire Telemetry devices can monitor key assets and can do it affordably, without any renovation or high-priced engineering costs. They install easily with no required cable or additional power. The data is available on your phone or computer and the cloud service can even output to your corporate system to integrate with the rest of your data and keep your operation running.


SignalFire Telemetry devices can monitor and manage water supplies and additives throughout the property, helping you avoid catastrophic shortages and keep your irrigation plan on track.

Tanks & Terminals

Avoid costly product loss in bulk storage tanks, terminals, and transportation movements. Whether calling for tank levels, gauge pressure, or even movement pumps or pipelines, SignalFire products can fill any monitoring gap throughout a facility.


Environmental fines for businesses are frustrating and can bring business to a standstill until they’re worked out. No business wants to hurt the environment, and in competitive markets stopping production affects the bottom line and staff. But there are effective and affordable solutions with SignalFire Telemetry devices.

Refining & Petrochemical

Expand visibility and control of your refinery or petrochemical processing facility without expensive renovations or redesigns. And do it with your current gauges and hardware. SignalFire telemetry devices are designed to work in harsh chemical environments and meet the strictest safety and security standards


No matter the size of your service map, monitoring remote assets ensures efficiency and keeps your operation in compliance. That’s how SignalFire devices can really help, offering the most affordable and effective monitoring solution that will monitor liquid, gas, electricity, and other assets.

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News – December 17, 2014

New Remote Configuration Capabilities Enhance the SignalFire Productivity Story


SignalFire Sentinel with Guided Wave Radar

Reduce Costs and Speed
Deployment Time Using
Remote Sensor Configuration
Tools from SignalFire

Hudson, Ma. – One of the key benefits to using a wireless sensor networks in an upstream oil or gas site is the cost savings that can be realized when compared to traditional wired systems. SignalFire is releasing a new set of capabilities that greatly improves that already substantial advantage. The new Remote Sensor Configuration capability will permit users to configure sensors such as guided wave radars from their office thereby avoiding the need to send highly skilled employees into the field.

“One of the biggest advantages of wireless sensor networks in Upstream Oil and Gas is the speed with which it can be deployed in the field” said Scott Keller, CEO and Founder of SignalFire. “Our customers tell us they can set an entire system up in their shop and then deploy it in a fraction of the time it takes to wire a system in the field. That is real hard dollar savings.”  

“Until now, one challenge has been sensors and transmitters that needed to be calibrated in place such as guided wave radars. These require specialized configuration programs and an expert to configure them on site. SignalFire has broken this barrier with its new Remote Sensor Configuration Software. Users can now configure Vega Radars using PACTware ™ or Emerson Radars using RadarMaster™ software remotely over the SignalFire Wireless Mesh Network. Now you can configure systems from your office when a sensor needs attention rather than rolling a truck with a skilled worker” Keller remarked.

The Key benefits include:

  • Configure Sensors and from your office – No need to have an expert on site
  • Reconfigure network parameters remotely – No need to send a crew
  • Diagnose problems remotely – The crew knows what to expect when they arrive
  • Full two way communication, even to “sleeping nodes” – Optimize your production from your office.
  • Reduce Installation and Operating Costs – Less expensive than Conduit to install, trouble shoot, and operate

“We are really excited about this new capability; it is coming to market at just the right time when oil and gas operators are focused on reducing the costs of operations. Faster deployments, improved productivity and enhanced production is a hard combination to beat” said Keller.

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